Derma Roller

How To Keep Your Skin In Excellent Condition Even In Colder Months

For those of us in the north who have to deal with the colder months throughout the year, it’s challenging for many reasons including being tough on our delicate skin. When the temperatures are warm outside, your skin is easier to keep in good shape, but when the cold moves in for a few months there is certainly more work to put in towards maintaining your skin’s good condition.

Below, we outline a few things to keep in mind to ensure that your skin’s status is nice all throughout the year, even in the Fall and Winter months.

Closely Observe Your Skin

Always be in tune with your skin and understand how it changes and tries to adapt when the temperature starts to dip. More than likely your skin will dry out more and more according to the temperature, it will crack if it gets too dry – especially on the hands around the knuckles, and flakes of skin may fall off as well. We offer some advice below to help keep your skin looking and feeling good, even in the cool and cold months.

Use Less-Drying Cleansers

When the temperature drops so does the moisture in the air and that affects your skin immensely. You want a cleanser in the warmer months that provides more of a drying effect on your skin to remove excess oil, but it’s the opposite in the cooler months where you want to go with a cleanser that has less drying ingredients and one that leaves your skin more moisturized – especially on your face where wrinkles and fine lines can more easily pop up when the air is drier.

Your Moisturizer Is Crucial

In the cooler months, you will want a rich collagen cream moisturizer that helps to add extra moisture to your skin with the lack of moisture in the air. Or you can also stay with your usual moisturizer product or products but just use more than you usually would when it’s cooler outside. You may want to moisturize more than you usually do throughout the day as well if your skin needs more than just one session after a shower for example. Listen to your skin and it will visually communicate what it needs.

Fire Up a Humidifier

If your home has very dry and stale air it’s recommended that you buy a humidifier and add moisture to the air. It will help your skin stay more hydrated and it will put less pressure on you to maintain a strict skin care program.

Consistently Exfoliate

Your skin can look dull and bland during the winter months with less moisture in it and having less tan sure doesn’t help either. It’s a good idea to look into adopting an exfoliation routine so the dull cells are removed, and left behind are fresh ones that appear much healthier.  

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